The sixth season of the stop-motion television series Robot Chicken originally aired in the United S
The sixth season of the stop-motion television series Robot Chicken originally aired in the United States on Cartoon Network's late night programing block, Adult Swim. Season six officially began on September 9, 2012 on Adult Swim, with "Robot Chicken DC Comics Special" and will contain a total of twenty episodes. The first of the 20 episodes are set to air the first of the off...
主演:艾伦·霍科,约瑟芬·约伯特,詹姆斯·鲍弗,本兹·安托万,艾莉卡·普雷沃斯特,Jean-Michel Le Gal,Ayesha Mansur Gonsalves,Sameer Jafar,Louise Pitre,Kim Nelson,凡妮莎·松井,塔玛拉·波戴米斯基,乔塞特·豪尔赫,邓普斯·布瑞克,克里斯·霍尔登-里德,Fiona Highet,米歇尔·蒙蒂思,利比·奥斯勒,Annie Briggs,莉萨·雷波-马特尔
主演:杰西卡·布朗·芬德利,安东尼·威尔士,乔纳·豪尔-金,Shaniqua Okwok,吉娜·布朗希尔,达斯汀·德姆瑞·伯恩斯,拜尔特·爱德华兹,罗伯特·奈尔恩,Klariza Clayton ,布伦丹·帕特里克斯,Jordan Peters,Naomi Willow,娜塔丽·阿明,Shaq B. Grant,Nicholas A. Newman