5月06日 第一集 Female Foeticide (主題:印度婦女被迫墮胎)
5月13日 第二集 Child Sexual Abuse (主題:兒童性騷擾)
5月20日 第三集 Big Fat Indian Wedding (主題:巨額的嫁妝)
5月27日 第四集 Every Life Is Precious (主題:醫療失當)
6月03日 第五集 Intolerance To Love (主題:自由戀愛與包辦婚姻)
6月10日 第六集 Persons With Disabilities (主題:殘障人士)
6月17日 第七集 Domestic Violence (主題:家庭暴力)
6月24日 第八集 Toxic Food (主題:害人的農藥)
7月01日 第九集 Alcohol Abuse (主題:酒精毀人生)
7月08日 第十集 Untouchability (主題:種姓製度)
7月15日 第十一集 Old Age (主題:尊重長者)
7月22日 第十二集 Water (主題:水資源)
7月29日 第十三集 The Idea of India (主題:印度的夢想)
阿米爾汗的第一次電視脫口秀節目《真理訪談》。2012年5月6開始,每周日Stra Plus播出。
Ep01:殘殺女嬰 2012年5月6日
E p02:兒童性侵害 2012年5月13日
Ep03:盛大的印度婚禮 2012年5月20日
很多人都期待一個奢華的婚禮,但是印度的現狀是,昂貴的婚禮儀式和沉重的嫁妝負擔不僅導致新人生活悲慘,也破壞了父母的家庭。婚禮的概念已經變成一種交易,完全不在乎人或者家庭關係的價值。這是可以改變的,隻要女方和他的家人對於嫁妝說不,堅持簡單的婚禮儀式,恢複婚姻紐帶的神聖性。 本期阿米爾提出的短信問題是,”你認為我國今天的婚事是否已成為商業交易?“
Ep04:醫療製度需要治療否? 2012年5月27日
Ep05:Is Love a Crime? - 3rd June 2012
The simple act offalling in love opens up a world of emotions and reactions which sometimes culminate in crime -- the death of the couple. Even if they escape death, lovers who go against religious and community barriers still have to face harassment and censure from society and, due to this pressure, rejection from their families.
Ep06:Persons with Disabilities - We Can Fly!
People with disabilities have the same zeal and appreciation for life as the rest of us do. But they often get shunned, doubted, mocked and insulted. Access to public places and buildings is restricted and doors are closed for schooling and employment. India does not appear to be mature enough and understanding enough to recognise people with disabilities for what they are -- people.
Ep07:Domestic Violence -- Danger At Home
For countless women, entering married life often means the beginning of a stressful, violent existence. Beating one's wife seems to be ingrained in many men's mindsets as the appropriate behaviour for a strong male, but the consequences are misery for the wife and children, and often a broken, unhappy home. The concept of domestic violence is based on the notion of patriarchy, which needs to be converted into equality.
Ep08:Toxic Food - Poison On Our Plate?
For decades our food and water have been contaminated by powerful, harmful pesticides which have been promoted as necessary for better agricultural output. But the reality is that we don't need pesticides for better yield, and their use is not only deadly for health but results in expensive farming methods. The solution is to adopt organic farming, which is possible and profitable, as the state of Sikkim has shown.
Ep09:Alcohol Abuse - Think Before You Drink
Alcohol consumption is associated with having fun and enjoying life. But excessive, irresponsible drinking takes away that very life itself. Many alcohol addicts have climbed back to normal life, proving that it is possible to live happily without alcohol. Help for alcoholics is available, free, at Alcoholics Anonymous.
Ep10:Untouchability - Dignity for All
For a country which has been independent for 65 years, it is a matter of shame that we have not yet shaken off the tyranny of caste-based discrimination. Countless people have to live in degrading conditions, children are unable to go to school, employment avenues are closed, and even education does not open bigoted minds.
Ep11:Old Age -- Sunset Years, Sunshine Life
Our parents are the ones who have brought us up and made us what we are. At least out of consideration for that much, we should be good and kind towards them. But countless people all over India don't think so, going by the numbers of abandoned old people taken in at old age homes. Then there are some older people who take matters into their own hands -- be it romance or adventure sport.