It’s the 1980s, we’re in the magical Campanian capital and Maradona is considered a god. Enrico “ErrIt’s the 1980s, we’re in the magical Campanian capital and Maradona is considered a god. Enrico “Erry” Frattasio turns the mixed tapes he makes for his friends into an empire with the help of his brothers Peppe and Angelo. It’s a sensational enterprise which changes all of their lives, reinvents the concept of piracy in Italy and brings music into everyone’s lives.詳情
主演:安東尼·霍普金斯,朱麗安·摩爾,加裏·奧德曼,雷·利奧塔,弗蘭基·費森,吉安卡羅·吉安尼尼,弗朗西斯卡·內莉,澤利科·伊萬內克,荷砦爾古德曼,大衛·安德魯,弗朗西斯·奎南,James Opher,恩裏克·洛維索,Ivano Marescotti,法布裏齊奧·吉福尼,亞曆克斯·科拉多,羅伯特·裏耶蒂,泰瑞·塞爾皮科,博伊德·肯斯特納,Peter Shaw,唐·麥克馬納斯,特德·科赫,阿倫·克雷格,安德裏亞·皮耶迪蒙特·博迪尼,恩尼奧·科爾托蒂,馬克·馬戈利斯,阿傑·奈杜,詹妮娜·法西奧,Andrew C.