Leopold Kroner, formerly of Colby Enterprises, is released after five years in prison for embezzlemeLeopold Kroner, formerly of Colby Enterprises, is released after five years in prison for embezzlement. Andrew Colby, claiming that Kroner has threatened him, hires lawyer Bob Regan as a secret bodyguard. Sure enough, Kroner turns up in Colby's room with a gun, and Regan kills him. Then Regan, who sticks around to romance Colby's secretary Noel, begins to suspect he's been used.詳情
主演:馬提亞斯·施維赫夫,傑西卡·施瓦茨,弗洛裏安·盧卡斯,Jan Gregor Kremp,畢碧安娜·貝格,卡羅·柳別克,Eva Maria Bayerwaltes,伊爾克努爾·博伊拉茲,奧利弗·布洛克,馬庫斯·卡爾文,Cornelius Dane,Ismail Deniz,Karin Eisele,克裏斯托夫·弗蘭肯,約翰娜·加斯多夫
主演:Steve Bongeorno , Maria Olsen , Cody Behrens , Andrew Jacobs , Derek Li , Ryan Lynch , Braeden McCawley , Maximus Nielsen , Rory L. Martell , Miguel Navarro , George Hunter Sepmeier , Cameron Storm Clarke , Carson Lee Flowers , Mike Casarietti , Brian Flo